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Boyfriend Gets Angry When Woman Serves Food He Made To Her Dog, Asks If She’s Wrong

Your significant other should always feel heard.

I know this seems like an obvious thing but not many people realize that they actually ignore their partner’s requests a lot of the time. Relationships are not all rainbows and unicorns and they require compromise to make them work. However, some people always put themselves first which is not a bad thing in itself but it doesn’t work out for long. So if you feel like your partner isn’t listening to you no matter how hard you try, it may be time to reevaluate your relationship.

This may seem like a hard pill to swallow but a lot of people are stuck in relationships where they feel unheard and that is never a good feeling. So when this woman asked the Redditors whether she was wrong for feeding her dog food that her boyfriend had made specifically for their special date, people had a lot to say. Now I am not going to say anything about whether feeding animals human food is a good idea or not because that is not my place but she should have asked her partner first.

As you can probably guess, it did not go well. And you can check out the full story for yourself by scrolling below.

Source: Reddit

The title may say table scraps but they weren’t really scraps.

Jay made a special dinner for them and clearly put a lot of effort into it which is adorable.

However, she didn’t fully appreciate it as she thought it fit to feed her dog a lot of the roast without asking.


We did get an update after a few days and she has realized her mistake.

She does say that she feeds her dog human food and has talked about it with her vet but it still doesn’t seem too healthy but I am not a professional so what do I know? However, it is good to know that she realized her mistake and isn’t afraid to own up to it. I am also happy that the guy stood up for himself and broke it off with her because it didn’t seem like it was working out between them. I can only hope that they both find the right partner for themselves in the future.

No one in the comments was on her side which I fully understand.

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Roasts can be incredibly expensive so this comes off as entitled to me.

This was also the first time she had been to his home as well.

If she had only asked beforehand, none of this would have happened.

I understand that people love their pets but this is not the way.

And this just shows a pattern of behavior.

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And the guy clearly picked up on it as they are not in a relationship anymore.

A raw diet is quite different than what she is talking about here.

It doesn’t seem very healthy to me but what do I know?

I can only hope that the doggo is happy and healthy.

I am not sure that it was a mistake as she could have asked.

Atleast they were able to resolve it in the end.

We have cat tax to make you happy after that story!


This Uno and isn’t he just gorgeous? He just needs an eyepatch and he would be the perfect pirate.

What are your thoughts on this story? Do you think she is wrong for feeding her dog human food or is that between her and her vet? Do you think she should have asked her boyfriend first? What would you have done if your partner did something like this? Let us know in eh comment below and don’t forget to share this story with your friend so they can join in the discussion as well.

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