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Man Asks His Girlfriend To Stay With Him During His Surgery Even Though Her Dog Is Getting Euthanized

Different people have different priorities in life.

Some individuals prioritize their pets over humans, and that’s perfectly acceptable. However, it becomes a matter of decision-making for the other person involved. This lies at the heart of the problem in this particular story. I won’t pass judgment on whom people should choose because that is not my place. Generally, people would say that their partner is more important than anything else.

But that’s only true if you genuinely care for your partner. If not, then it’s essential to scrutinize your relationship closely. That’s not to say that I don’t understand where she is coming from. After all, her dog is facing euthanasia, and that must be a devastating feeling to cope with. The pain she is going through is unimaginable. However, her partner is also facing a challenging situation as he is soon going through surgery, and it’s evident that he’s scared.

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Now, you can form your own opinion on this story by reading it yourself below.

Source: Reddit

Be prepared; this is going to be a somber tale.

It’s clear that he is sad about the dog and wants to support his girlfriend.

However, he’s also going through a tough time and seeks some kind of support.

Initially, he was fine with it, but then he became nervous and wanted her to be with him.


However, she reacted strongly, calling him heartless.

This is genuinely a complex situation, and I’m unsure of what the right decision is here. People can share their opinions, but we don’t know the intricacies of their relationship. While it’s evident that he has gone above and beyond for the family and the doggo, the same cannot be said for her. Yet, she is also facing a difficult time. Would it have been better if she reassured him and rescheduled the doggo’s appointment? Perhaps, but I can’t say for certain.

Commenters had various opinions on this matter.

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Some people agreed with him, stating that she should be with her partner during this time.

After all, he is more important.

After all, he is more important.

However, both of them are going through challenging times.

Understandably, he doesn’t want to be alone.

Having undergone surgery myself, I understand his fears.

Even if it may not be life-threatening, surgery can be nerve-wracking.

So, I, too, wanted someone by my side.

Thankfully, my family and friends were there for me.

Others empathized with her situation as well.

Ultimately, it is her decision.

Clearly, this is taking an emotional toll on her.

She should be with him at this time.

Perhaps she could say goodbye to the doggo beforehand.

She may not know what to do, but it’s essential to communicate that.

They need to talk this out rather than resorting to guilt-tripping.

Her reaction to his question was not ideal.

The whole situation is unfortunate.

I can only hope they work it out, and everything turns out fine.

The story may be challenging, but cat tax will lighten the mood.


My girlfriend is always wondering why her cats never want to spend time with her. Look at that miserable face, surely the answer is clear?

What are your thoughts on this story? Do you think the guy needs to understand her feelings? Or do you think she is being selfish and not considering him at all? What would you do in this situation? Would you stay with your partner or your pet? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can join in the discussion.

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