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Redditor Gets Chewed Out By Stranger For Choosing Their Late MIL’s Cat Over Daughter’s Nanny

Pets hold a special place in the hearts of many individuals, with more than half of the global population choosing to bring these companions into their lives.

These beloved creatures often become cherished members of families, and research suggests that the loss of a pet can evoke feelings of grief similar to losing a human family member.

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However, not everyone can have every type of pet due to allergies. For some people, being around certain pets can trigger severe discomfort or even anaphylactic shock, a potentially life-threatening reaction.

One Redditor found themselves in a challenging situation when their nanny, who was allergic to cats, had to leave their employment due to the presence of a cat in the household.

After taking in their late Mother-in-law’s cat, the Redditor’s nanny revealed her allergy and stated that she would need to quit unless the cat was removed. Despite their wife’s desire to keep the cat, the Redditor acknowledged the nanny’s needs and she left a few days later.

Several months later, the Redditor’s wife received a message from an unknown sender, berating them for prioritizing a cat over their former nanny, who had been responsible for their daughter’s care. The sender accused them of causing their nanny to become homeless and emotionally affecting their daughter. The Redditor suspects the sender is a friend of the ex-nanny.

Although their daughter hasn’t mentioned the nanny recently, the Redditor contemplates whether their choice was inconsiderate. They turned to the AITA subreddit for opinions.


Let’s delve into the specifics:


In response to their nanny’s allergy, the Redditor and their wife welcomed their late Mother-in-law’s cat into their home. However, the nanny couldn’t stay due to the allergy.


Months later, an intense message from an unfamiliar number criticized the Redditor and their wife for prioritizing a cat over the nanny’s role in their daughter’s life.


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Here’s how the Reddit community reacted to this story:

“NTA, you prioritized a family member over an employee.”


“She can choose to quit, but she can’t demand you get rid of a family pet.”


“NTA… Her way of leaving was unprofessional.”


“Since when does an employee dictate such decisions?”


“NTA… Her sharing your number for harassment shows you made the right choice.”



“Expecting you to ‘get rid’ of a deceased parent’s cat is heartless.”


“NAH, except maybe her friend. You offered a reasonable and compassionate choice given the circumstances.”


“NTA for keeping the cat, but YTA if you didn’t provide severance to the nanny.”


“NTA… Whether cat-related or not, employment dynamics have shifted.”


“NTA – I’m guessing the nanny couldn’t find another job, hence the hostility.”


Commenters were quick to label the Redditor as NTA (Not The A**hole), while suggesting that the nanny and the sender of the message were in the wrong.

According to their perspective, the Redditor made a reasonable decision by prioritizing a family member over an employee.

What’s your take on this situation? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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