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Dog Sitter Asks If It’s Okay To Charge Her Client For The Rug And Couch Her Dog Destroyed

Caring for a pet involves more than just providing sustenance and ensuring a cozy, sheltered spot for rest. Amidst the backdrop of your social circle, kin, and job responsibilities, your faithful canine companion relies solely on you.

You shoulder the weight of all that transpires within its sphere. This is no trifling burden; indeed, it can be argued that it surpasses the challenges of nurturing a child, given that youngsters grow increasingly autonomous over time.

Contrastingly, pets remain steadfastly dependent, their every need met through your stewardship.

But what course do you chart when the allure of a vacation beckons? Or when the demands of a business sojourn are inescapable?

Should the privilege of proximity to obliging friends and kin be yours, the question is settled. Yet, for many pet proprietors, such a recourse is unattainable, compelling them to explore options like boarding facilities or pet-friendly lodgings.

Others lean toward employing pet caretakers, a pricier alternative to traditional accommodations.

However, unearthing a competent pet sitter is no small feat. Conversely, securing an amenable pet-sitting clientele proves equally daunting. Today’s narrative recounts one such episode.


This tale revolves around a pet sitter, who, in her diligent role, was deceived by her client. The latter, desperate to secure the sitter’s assistance for her dog, wove an intricate fabric of falsehoods regarding the canine’s behaviors, undoubtedly apprehensive that an untrained pet might be deemed unsuitable for care.

The scenario unfolds thus:

The inquiry posed by our protagonist, OP:


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Embroiled in the care of a novel client’s pet, OP inquired about any predilection for object-chewing exhibited by the dog prior to its stay. The reply? A resounding negation.


A cursory glance at the assortment of dog toys divulged a conspicuously masticated collection.


The client proffered peculiar stipulations regarding sleeping arrangements:


An untimely nocturnal expedition by OP to oversee the dog revealed substantial damage inflicted upon her couch, rug, and footwear. Now, she contemplates seeking reparation from the client for the incurred losses.


The virtual community’s consensus is resolute: the client’s lack of candor is palpable. Acquainted with the canine’s penchant for chewing, she ought to assume accountability for the resulting havoc.


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Photographic documentation of the dog-induced destruction is strongly advised, a precursor to rightful reimbursement.


Attribution of blame for this debacle rests solely upon the client, her stipulations having precipitated the calamity.


Observations from fellow Redditors highlight the inadequacy of a $100 restitution in addressing the extent of the damages. It’s plausible that OP might share in the perception of culpability, warranting the downward adjustment of the compensation.


The subject of alternative sleeping arrangements warrants renewed contemplation, perhaps even embracing crate accommodations.


Pet sitting has garnered considerable favor, as numerous pet proprietors perceive it as an optimal haven for their furry companions. The notion of unfettered exploration within a familiar milieu is thought to mitigate the anxieties and stress that pets might experience during their human counterparts’ absence.

The onus of resolution lies squarely upon the pet owner’s shoulders. One immutable truth remains: fabricating falsehoods to those entrusted with the care of your pet is an untenable course of action.

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