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A Brown Dog Just Gave Birth To A Litter Of Cows

Rescuing a dog is one of the most significant things that we can do in life. It is also something that some people do in a way that really shows that they have a lot of love in their hearts.

When somebody rescued Rosie the golden retriever, they weren’t only getting one dog, they were getting quite a few. She arrived at the rescue center pregnant and she already had a big belly.

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Fortunately, Rosie was rescued in time to get some assistance through the ordeal. That is where Katie and John Black come in. They started fostering dogs and they have fostered more than 20, but this time they were doing it for a very special reason.

They knew that Rosie was going to have a big litter but they weren’t expecting what was actually going to happen. She had four beautiful puppies that were healthy, but they had no similarities as far as their appearance goes.

Katie admitted they weren’t quite what they were expecting. She said that the foster dog and golden mix gave birth yesterday to ‘baby cows.’


You would think that Golden retriever puppies would look very similar to their mother, but they were all born with black or brown spots. When people saw the puppies, they thought it was the strangest thing they had ever laid eyes on.

That didn’t stop Rosie from being a very proud mother. Even though she was taking care of what looked like a herd of cattle, she showed them all the love in the world.
Katie and John had a bit of a sense of humor, so they decided to give the puppies cow names, including Daisy, Betsy, Clarabelle, and Moo.

They aren’t sure who the father is but they feel that they definitely got their coloring from the dad. Whether that is true or not, these puppies are adorable and it looks like they have a lot of love to give.

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