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My Boyfriend Proposed Just Three Months After We Met—I Was Ecstatic Until I Discovered the Reason

Ava and Ethan’s rapid connection ignited a whirlwind romance packed with enchanting dates and meaningful chats. Merely three months in, Ethan’s proposal sends Ava soaring with happiness. However, as their nuptials near, a startling revelation threatens to unravel their storybook romance.

Imagine feeling like you’re living a scene from a romance novel. That was me on a balmy spring day when I first encountered Ethan.

I was perusing my favorite coffee shop turned bookstore, leafing through new titles when our hands brushed against each other.

Both of us reached for the same copy of “Pride and Prejudice.” Lifting my gaze, I nearly lost myself in his deep, brown eyes. His smile, brimming with charm and dimples, made my heart skip.


“Oops, sorry,” he chuckled. “Seems we have similar taste.”

Nervously, I laughed. “It’s yours.”

“Why don’t we share it?” He suggested, leaning in, his cologne a subtle hint of the forest. “Maybe over coffee?”

I couldn’t resist. We spent the afternoon curled up on a plush sofa, sipping coffee and swapping book recommendations. By the time he asked for my number, I was completely taken.

Thus began our intense romance—starlit dinners, spontaneous trips, and profound midnight discussions felt like we had known each other for lifetimes.

It was like starring in a real-life romance film. I should have sensed it was too perfect.

Three months from our first meeting, Ethan popped the question at the very same coffee shop. As the sun dipped, casting a romantic glow, he knelt before me.

“Ava, you’ve filled my life with joy in no time. Will you marry me?”

Tears streamed down as I nodded vigorously. “Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes!”

He slid the ring on, lifted me in his arms, and for a moment, everything was perfect.

Our wedding was set for a quaint lakeside venue with just close friends and family. The night before was a blur of joy with toasts and laughter.

Ethan’s sister, Olivia, always the life of the party, joked around as we headed to freshen up. “Olivia, careful with that drink,” I laughed as she nearly spilled it.

“You know, it’s amazing you two pulled this off,” Olivia remarked, her tone shifting subtly.

Puzzled, I asked, “Pulled what off?”

“The whole fake marriage thing,” she casually sipped her drink. “I mean, with the inheritance on the line, you both deserve an Oscar.”

My heart plummeted. “Fake marriage?”

Olivia’s face blanched. “You didn’t know?” she stuttered, realizing her slip. “I thought you were in on it.”

Shock washed over me. “In on what?”

She whispered, “Ethan’s inheritance. Our grandfather’s will required him to marry within six months to inherit. We thought this was just a convenient setup.”

Reeling from the shock, I understood the grand gestures and swift proposal were for wealth, not love.

That night, I sifted through Ethan’s texts while he slept. The messages to his friends about the inheritance and mocking my naivety confirmed the cruel truth—he had used me.

Humiliated but resolute, I knew how to confront him.

The wedding day arrived, and despite the fairy-tale setup, my heart was heavy with betrayal.

As I approached the altar, each step felt like a march towards my demise. Ethan stood there, looking dashing yet deceitful.

When my turn came, I took a deep breath.

“Ethan,” I began, my voice clear and strong. “I believed in us, in a future together. But today, I am here not to marry you but to reveal the truth.”

The guests murmured in shock as Ethan’s confident smile wavered.

“This marriage was never about love for Ethan,” I continued. “It was about money. He saw me merely as a means to secure his inheritance.”

Ethan’s complexion turned pale. “Ava, what are you doing?” he whispered urgently.

“I am asserting my value,” I declared. “I deserve someone who loves me genuinely, not someone who views me as a stepping stone to wealth.”

With that, I turned and walked away, leaving a stunned crowd behind. I felt liberated, though heartbroken.

In the following days, Ethan reached out, but I ignored his attempts. My friends and family enveloped me in love and support, helping me heal and regain my strength.

Returning to the coffee shop where our story began, I embraced the peace it brought. Ethan’s actions had nearly broken me, but I emerged stronger and self-assured.

As I reflected on the ordeal, I realized the importance of self-love and the courage to stand up for oneself.

How would you have handled such a situation?

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