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Woman on Flight Rests Feet on My Husband’s Seat — I Couldn’t Tolerate It & Devised a Petty Retaliation

During a flight back home, Crystal and her spouse, Alton, were troubled by a fellow traveler who persistently nudged Alton’s seat. After repeated requests for her to cease, Crystal opted to handle the situation herself.

“I was on a plane with my husband last evening. We were en route home after a week-long visit to his parents. I was eager to return to our own bed.

“I’ve been longing for our shower,” Alton mentioned. “Mom and dad’s house is fine, but nothing compares to our water pressure.”

Once we boarded, it seemed the flight would go smoothly.


“Here, let me carry your bag, Crystal,” Alton offered, grabbing my backpack.

We quickly found our seats, and shortly, the plane’s engine noise lulled me toward sleep.

However, as I reclined my seat, I spotted something utterly irritating. The passenger behind us propped her bare feet on my husband’s seat.

“Why?” I whispered, simultaneously noticing her jostle Alton’s seat. She was lively in conversation with a companion, completely unaware of her rudeness.

I looked at my husband, hoping he would intervene. He’s normally very patient, but this situation was pushing his limits.

“Uh, could you please lower your feet?” he asked, turning to address her.

She briefly looked at him, exchanged a laugh with her friend, and dismissed his request. I couldn’t make out her words, but her actions made it clear she wasn’t moving her feet.

The flight safety briefing momentarily demanded everyone’s attention. Yet, soon after, she resumed her loud chatter, her feet persistently nudging my husband’s seat.

Alton faced her once more, his tone now sharper.

“Hey, could you remove your feet from my chair? It’s becoming quite bothersome.”

Ignoring him this time, she simply rolled her eyes and continued her discussion, her feet still resting firmly on his seat.

Alton’s frustration was visible, and the flight stretched ahead of us.

“Honey, perhaps you should fetch a flight attendant?” I suggested, trying to maintain a calm tone.

I was reluctant to intervene directly, and I knew Alton preferred I didn’t. Both of us were aware of my tendency for pettiness when provoked.

He agreed and fetched a flight attendant, a stern-looking woman.

“She’ll sort this out,” I murmured as he returned to his seat.

The attendant approached the woman behind us, speaking in a firm, authoritative tone.

“I just wanted some sleep,” Alton murmured.

My husband attempted to rest, but I turned around, curious about the woman’s reaction.

She appeared irritated but finally lowered her feet. However, as soon as the attendant left, her feet were back up.

The nerve!

At that point, I was ready to act.

What was her problem? Why insist on resting her feet on someone else’s seat? She was simply being childish.

I saw Alton’s discomfort as he tried to ignore the persistent nudging.

That was the last straw.

As the beverage cart approached, my plan fell into place.

“What would you like?” the flight attendant inquired.

“A gin and tonic,” Alton promptly replied.

“And a bottle of water for me,” I added.

I unscrewed the cap, pretending to drink, then glanced at Alton.

“What are you up to?” he inquired, eyeing me skeptically.

“Just trust me,” I answered.

Leaning back, I discreetly poured half the water onto the woman’s bag nestled between her seat and Alton’s.

The water darkened the fabric instantly.

Petty Crystal was in action.

Yet, she hadn’t noticed.

I then grabbed the remainder of Alton’s drink.

“Crystal,” he chuckled, recognizing my intentions.

“Let me handle this,” I declared.

I reached through the armrest and drenched her feet with the drink.

“Ew!” the woman cried out, retracting her feet swiftly, nearly hitting her friend.

She grabbed my sleeve, glaring.

“Did you just spill your drink on me?” she accused.

Facing her, I feigned innocence.

“Oh, I’m terribly sorry. Must have been turbulence,” I explained.

She seemed to consider arguing but opted against it.

Instead, she muttered to her friend about my rudeness, labeling me ‘trashy’ for spilling on her.

“She should have simply asked politely,” her friend naively commented.

“Yeah, but I paid for my seat too. I’m entitled to some comfort,” she retorted.

Her friend agreed, criticizing people who believe they’re superior.

During the meal service, she accidentally nudged Alton’s seat again but quickly apologized.

“I’m so sorry!” she exclaimed.

“You actually apologized?” her friend giggled.

“Yeah,” the woman replied. “I don’t want my meal ending up on me.”

Alton and I shared a laugh, his hand squeezing mine.

Remarkably, her feet stayed off his seat for the remainder of our journey.

“That was quite a spectacle,” Alton remarked, still amused. “You definitely made an impression.”

“I’m just fed up with people acting as if they can do whatever they please,” I responded. “Especially when it’s so blatantly disrespectful.”

The rest of the flight was peaceful. Every so often, the woman glared at me, but I ignored her.

As we began our descent, she noticed her damp bag and glared daggers at me.

I offered a smug, subtle smile and looked away.

“I’ll shower first,” Alton suggested as we prepared to leave the plane. “Then straight to bed.”

“I completely agree,” I responded.

As we disembarked, the woman hurried past us, still fuming. We leisurely collected our belongings, allowing the crowd to disperse before exiting.

Stepping off the plane, I felt a wave of satisfaction.

Sometimes, a touch of petty retaliation is necessary to make a point.

As we walked through the terminal, the stress of the flight fading, Alton drew me close.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen petty Crystal,” he noted, laughter in his voice.

“Well, desperate times call for desperate measures,” I replied.

What would you have done?

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