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AITA for evicting my sister and her daughters after the hid my wife’s wig and embarrassed her?

A Reddit user is dealing with a difficult family matter. Their sister and her children have been living with them since they were evicted from their home. Problems arose when the user’s wife, who is battling cancer, was subjected to cruel jokes and practical jokes about her wig, which she uses to cover her hair loss caused by chemotherapy.

Following a situation in which his nieces took his wife’s wig and recorded it, the user chose to remove his sister and her children from his property, convinced that they had overstepped a line and embarrassed his wife. Despite pressure from relatives, including their aging father, to change his mind, the user remains resolute. The complete account and reactions from others can be found further down.

‘ AITA for evicting my sister and her daughters after the hid my wife’s wig and embarrassed her?’

My wife is battling cancer, and sadly, chemotherapy has caused her to lose her hair. This has made her very self-conscious, especially about her hair loss. She now wears a wig, which I fully support, as she only wears it when she’s with family and friends.

My sister had to leave her apartment due to a difficult divorce and came to live with me around a month ago along with her 16-year-old twin daughters. Everything has been fine, apart from my nieces’ incessant comments regarding my wife’s wig. They became fixated on it and started to constantly ask her questions about it.

They wanted to have a go at wearing it themselves, recommending that they “fix” it using the straightener and other things, which was draining. They even pushed to see her without it on, but my wife felt uneasy and declined. Yesterday, I arrived home to discover my wife had locked herself in the bedroom and was in tears.

She recounted waking up to find her wig missing. Apparently, my nieces had taken it and concealed it, then coaxed her to appear so they could observe her without it. Despite my wife’s repeated requests for its return, they responded with laughter and began filming. Ultimately, my wife had to secure the door to maintain separation as their behavior persisted.

I was enraged. I stormed into the kitchen and challenged them. They pretended not to understand, but I managed to retrieve the wig. I exploded, accusing them of disrespecting and shaming my wife by stealing her wig. They dismissed it as an innocent joke, which only fueled my anger.

My sibling intervened, claiming my spouse was excessively touchy and that her daughters were simply interested in seeing her without her wig, suggesting she had blown the situation out of proportion. I informed her that her children were filming my wife. She found no issue with this and accused me of overreacting. I then directed my anger at her, declaring that she and my nieces were no longer permitted to stay at my residence and demanded they leave.

Afterward, I informed them of the eviction because they didn’t believe I was serious, and they responded with tears, pleading for me to call it off. However, my wife’s comfort level around them has diminished due to their actions. My sister then contacted our elderly father, who also pleaded with me to allow them to remain. He asserted that my nieces were simply behaving as teenagers often do. He volunteered to talk to my wife, but I refused.

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They’ve been pleading with me to reconsider, but I keep declining. AITA?

Take a look at the comments from fellow users:

[Reddit User] −  NTA. At ALL. For f**k’s sake they were recording- they were actively trying to humiliate your cancer stricken wife. You better evict them. Your poor wife. Holy s**t. Edit: don’t let your dad even approach your wife over the phone. Seriously don’t- he’ll try to convince her she’s wrong and not those horrid brats.

ScooterProfessor −  NTA – I can’t even imagine that feeling you had when you learned what was going on.

thestreetiliveon −  NTA. My kids were teenagers once and would NEVER have done such a cruel and insensitive thing. Good for you for doing what you did. Best wishes for your wife’s health.

EvocativeEnigma −  They said it was just lighthearted prank which made me go off on them. A lighthearted prank is NOT recording someone while they are crying because you are trying to shame that person. Those girls are absolutely being bullies and your wife deserves to feel save in her own home.. NTA

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illumantimess −  NTA and let your elderly dad take them in

Low-Assistance9231 −  Absolutely NTA and furthermore, why were they recording? The only point of that was to post the video for others to see, so they also intended to publicly embarrass her

GoingPriceForHome −  NTA. I guarantee you a 16 year old knows not to upset a woman with cancer to the point of tears and laugh and record her while they torment her. They sound literally evil. If your father is so worried, tell him to take them in. I’m sure he’ll think it’s typical teen things when they hide his walker and laugh and record him while he falls. JFC.

[Reddit User] −  NTA. That kind of “lighthearted prank” is fucked up. Good on you for kicking them out! Maybe some time on their own will teach them about respecting people.

Was the user justified in removing their sister and her children from the property following the events that transpired, or should they have been more lenient and pardoning? What would your response have been under similar circumstances? Let’s hear your opinions and participate in the conversation!

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