AITAH For Telling My Friend “Next time then.” After I missed Her Wedding?

A man on Reddit unintentionally hurt his long-time friend after he attempted humor regarding his inability to attend her wedding because he was sick. Under the influence of strong drugs, he quipped that he wouldn’t miss her “next one,” which angered her and damaged their friendship. Read the story that follows to learn more about the situation and whether he was actually at fault.
‘ AITAH For Telling My Friend “Next time then.” After I missed Her Wedding?’
We’ve known each other since we were kids. Our bond is like that of siblings. This woman entered matrimony for the first time at 23. Her spouse was a kind person, attractive, and of good moral standing. However, they separated a year and a half later because my close friend had lost interest in the relationship.
Eventually, she met another person (she wasn’t unfaithful). I also think highly of this man. Unfortunately, I became ill and was hospitalised shortly before the wedding and couldn’t attend, so she and her husband came to see me.
There was laughter, and she expressed a desire for my presence, mentioning her wish for our third dance together. (referring to the tradition where the first dance is with the groom, the second with the father, and the third with the brother, if present).
To lighten the mood, I blurted out:” Don’t worry. I won’t miss the next one.”. After I said her husband was laughing on and she slapped me and left. A week has passed and she doesn’t speak to me…
Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:
Dipshitistan − I’m gonna give you a pass because 1) you were medicated and 2) it’s a funny line.
PoppysMelody − “I was on a lot of pain killers and was trying to make you laugh. I am sorry I made light of your feelings. I also really wanted to be there.”
NTA. That was diabolically funny. Also that guy laughing may have signed her up for number 3 😂😂😂
thejackalreborn − It’s not the nicest joke but she definitely overreacted, to slap someone who is currently hospitalised is crazy.
lilhappypumpkin1020 − NTA it was funny. She slapped you. That is not ok everyone is kinda glossing over that. I would count that friendship over if it was me. No matter how insulted you may feel hitting someone is wrong.
They should appreciate that you or the hospital aren’t filing charges, especially considering you were on strong medication and in recovery. Furthermore, the staff’s lack of observation and reporting of the incident is also a factor.
Couch_Captain75 − Your intent may not have been bad but joking about a new marriage or a new kid will ALWAYS be a bad idea.
Dashqu − Whatever happened to “its not a joke unless everyone is laughing” ? You made a joke at her expense, she didnt think it was funny. That means you owe her an appology. Do i think she overreacted? Hell yes. Do i think your joke was funny? Also yes. But my feelings didnt get hurt, hers did.
So you have to decide whether or not this friendship is important to you or not. If yes, appologise, if not, then find friends who dont get physical when upset.
I cant decide between e s h and n a h, so no verdict from me.
Salty_Confidence1880 − NTA but your friend is. She should’ve never of touched you like that. You were medicated and her husband laughed at it which means he read the room right. Shes just salty and honestly, i wouldnt be friends with someone who would a**ault me like that over nothing.
HuffN_puffN − It’s fine. That’s a very PG joke to me, very much so. And it’s not like it was her 5th wedding.
lookingformiles − Lol. I mean, I’M not offended but it sure sounds like your friend might be. And when you offend your friend – intentionally or not – you should probably apologize. Unless of course you think you did nothing wrong.
If you stand your ground and don’t express remorse, then you’re the AH, though amusing. However, if you recognize that you caused your friend distress – even if inadvertently – and offer an apology, then you’re not the AH.
shalashaska68 − NTA, not the nicest joke you could have came up with, but damn she goes from zero to 100 pretty quick. IMO slap is reserved for the harshest of comebacks, and she added a 2x multiplier lol.
If you’re serious about fixing things, say sorry for acting like a jerk because you were zonked out on strong drugs. But, she’s gotta meet you halfway and at least seem sorry too if you’re gonna move forward.
Was this joke simply a harmless effort to inject some levity, or did it overstep boundaries for someone just married? What would be your approach to a friend’s playful banter during such a delicate time? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!