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AITA for telling my son he can’t stay with me when I found out why his wife kicked him out.

A user on Reddit recounts a tough scenario with their son, who was forced out of his home by his expectant wife after she found out about his affair. The wife’s pregnancy is high-risk, requiring bedrest, and the son attempted to justify his cheating by citing her “pregnancy hormones.” Upon discovering the actual cause of his son’s marital problems, the Redditor asked him to leave their home, asserting they couldn’t condone such actions. The father and his spouse are now in disagreement over whether his reaction was excessively severe. A link to the original story is provided for readers.

‘ AITA for telling my son he can’t stay with me when I found out why his wife kicked him out.’

My daughter-in-law, carrying my first grandchild, has placenta previa and is confined to bed. Because intercourse would be risky, my jerk of a son chose to be unfaithful.

She discovered what happened and made him leave their home. He ended up staying with us, explaining that “she was experiencing extreme pregnancy mood swings”. Each time he contacted her, they argued. After a few days, we suggested he check if she had calmed down. Her mother was staying with her, so we weren’t concerned about her well-being. My wife contacted her to see how she was doing and learned the real story.

I was really angry. As soon as he walked in from work, I told him to leave my house. I didn’t want to be around him at all right then and it would be better for me if he wasn’t close to me.

She attempted to convince me that my judgment was too harsh and suggested allowing them the space to resolve their issues. However, I find his presence unbearable, and I refuse to have someone so foolish within my home. Despite our ongoing disagreement, I am resolute in my stance.

Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:

bureaucratic_drift −  NTA – ***never*** TA for such integrity. Your son most definitely is and (I suspect) his enabling mommy is as well. Kudos to you for doing the right thing.


Sea_Supermarket_9728 −  NTA- you have respect for your daughter in law and strong morals of knowing right from wrong. Looks like your son never inherited them.

beanfiddler −  NTA. Good, let him rot. Too many parents enable the awful behavior of their adult children, particularly their adult sons, and all it does is cause that overgrown child to continue to act up.

This subreddit has an overabundance of mothers who infantilize their sons and implicitly tell them that they can mistreat their wives. Kudos to you for stopping this behavior in your family. Your daughter-in-law is part of your family and the mother of your grandchild. She deserves your support now, not the man who betrayed her trust and destroyed his own marriage.

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sikonat −  NTA. Consequences of his own s**tty actions. Good for you for not condoning it. Your grandchild is on their way and grandkid and their mum need all the support. Hell yes do not let him get away with disrespect and entitlement.

meditatinganopenmind −  A decent husband would be too tired to cheat because they would be doing everything they could to help their wife. She’s sick in bed and pregnant with his child. I wouldn’t be able to even look at him if he was my son.

[Reddit User] −  NTA; I wonder if this is not the first time he’s cheated. Hope you can find additional ways to support your daughter in law, you’re a good one

Existing_Ideal8840 −  Nta, his reason for cheating is disgusting. I question your wife’s morals. Your a good dad for stepping up for your DIL. Actions have consequences

Accomplished-Row-695 −  NTA – he not only did something despicable but then lied and shifted the blame to his wife. Good on you for kicking him out. I would do the same

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[Reddit User] −  Ask your wife how she would feel if DIL cheated on your son? How would she feel if **you cheated on her**? And then lied to your family of course. NTA

Unfair_Ad_4470 −  Why does your wife think you’re too hard on him? What is her reasoning that she doesn’t blame him for his infidelity? Would she forgive and make excuses if you were unfaithful?

NTA… I’m simply trying to grasp your wife’s perspective regarding your son. Unless he’s treated as the favorite and therefore immune to any form of criticism. I concur with your assessment that this is a crucial battle to fight.

Was the father justified in holding his ground and requesting his son to move out, or was his reaction overly severe? In your opinion, what’s the best approach to dealing with a family member’s disloyalty in such a delicate circumstance? I’m interested to hear your opinions!

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