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AITA? I flipped out on my fiancèe for selling the gaming chair my brother gifted me to pay for her gym membership.

A Reddit user recounted their predicament involving their fiancée, who, facing monetary constraints and disregarding its emotional importance, disposed of a gaming chair that once belonged to their deceased brother – a memento they deeply treasured – to pay for her gym subscription without discussing it.

This ignited a significant dispute, causing the user to experience a sense of disloyalty and the fiancée to feel distressed. The complete account is available below for those interested in learning about the details of this disagreement and the way it played out.

‘ AITA? I flipped out on my fiancèe for selling the gaming chair my brother gifted me to pay for her gym membership.’

I’m33: I lost my 27-year-old brother to cancer a few months back. We were incredibly close and shared many interests. He was a gamer and owned a variety of gaming equipment, including a gaming chair that he wished for me to inherit before he passed away. It’s heartbreaking because we were truly anticipating and had arranged to celebrate Christmas 2021 together.

This chair is precious to me; it was my brother’s most loved possession, and sitting in it reminds me of him (though I no longer play). It inexplicably makes me feel closer to him and offers immense solace.

I still have the chair at my workplace. Some days ago, I realized that my fiancée, who is currently unemployed and has been lamenting her inability to work out, had taken the chair and sold it on the internet to finance her gym membership for the upcoming month. I was extremely angry when I learned about it and reacted very badly.

She confided in me about her dire financial straits, explaining that she’d exhausted all other options before resorting to selling the chair. When I brought up the rightful owner of the chair, she dismissed my concerns, pointing out that I already possessed numerous mementos of my brother, implying that my reaction was an overreaction.

She also expressed her frustrations regarding her previous battles with eating disorders and her anxieties about maintaining a healthy physique, accusing me of downplaying her difficulties. I responded by yelling at her, labeling her as thoughtless and self-centered, and asserting that she should never have taken and sold my belongings to fund a gym membership, especially since she had the option of continuing her workouts at home.

As we were arguing, she broke down in tears and went to her mother’s house. Her mother attempted to lecture me about my behavior, but I ignored her, and I haven’t spoken to my fiancée since. The situation hasn’t improved, and I was labeled as excessively sensitive for my reaction and treatment of my fiancée over a gaming chair.

I feel guilty because I’ve never yelled at her in my life before.. AITA? Was I too hard on her? Some said I went overboard because this is a gaming chair and it was bit childish of me to make a fuss over it but I already explained why I had this reaction aside from the fact that money is an issue we already have.

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Here’s what Redditors had to say:

JammerGSONC −  NTA. Sell the engagement ring you bought her and buy back your brothers gaming chair. Proceed based on her reaction to that.

G8RTOAD −  NTA Call the person who brought the chair and tell him that he’s brought stolen property. If your fiancée still refuses to do anything about getting it back then you may need to report it to the police as stolen and get it returned to you that way. Your fiancée?

She was fully aware of her actions and has demonstrated a disregard for your possessions, the significance of the gift, and its rightful owner. Your fiancee is mature enough to understand that her behavior carries repercussions, and she must now confront them, regardless of whether those repercussions involve legal action due to her act of stealing.

snakepeterman −  Run bro. You need to get out of there. Your girl is a narcissist and disregards your thoughts and feelings. A gym membership?? Really? Only way that would fly with me would be if she sold it for insulin or some other life maintaining medication. NTA.

TGiR4 −  Nta… I know youre probably still grieving your loss, but she has some serious issues. Lack of respect for your stuff and from what you provided even tried to gaslight you into thinking you’re over reacting. If it is not too late, call it off imho.

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sharpeea −  NTA! The chair was obviously super meaningful to you and for her to just sell it without your permission? Not okay! Also not sure where you live or any other factors that could explain why she’s not working, but where I’m living EVERYWHERE is hiring. Literally everywhere. The fact that she took it to sell for a gym membership is out of control. I would have some serious reservations about marrying her if this is how she handles money.

[Reddit User] −  NTA She sold something of great sentimental value to you, in exchange for a vanity gym membership; and you would be absolutely correct that she could’ve just worked out at home if it came down to selling something that wasn’t hers to sell and having access to a gym.

She then attempted to shift the blame onto you, aiming to make you feel guilty for your reaction to her terrible choice. In effect, she took something from you and then tried to make you feel bad about it. This is a major warning sign. Also, I would have lost it as well.

sarahlampi −  NTA- she STOLE your property and sold it! Then tried to put it on you by saying you don’t care about her eating disorder. Please rethink marriage. If she sold your deceased brother’s chair, what is she going to steal from you next? A gym membership is not a necessity. There are literally thousands of free online workouts that she could do. You did not over react. She is a thief and a l**r.

snagleradio78 −  NTA She sold your stuff without even asking…Then why can’t she work is she immune compromised or something? If you can’t afford a gym membership there’s a bunch of sidewalks outside and you can find stuff to do squats with all over your house or apartment. You got to drop the girl, she sucks.

MerlinBiggs −  NTA. She has been incredibally selfish. Would you want to marry someone who would do that knowing how much it meant to you? Can you find who she sold it to? Maybe you can get it back.

fire_goddess11 −  Jesus Christ, OP. She’s an awful, selfish person. Anxiety does not give anyone the right to steal your belongings, and especially not something with sentimental value!
Don’t marry her, and don’t get her pregnant. Your future with her will be miserable. She has shown you who she really is. Get out. *Get out.*. NTA

Was the user’s response to their fiancée’s choice to sell a deeply meaningful object reasonable, or should they have responded in another way? What is the best approach to take when trust is broken in a relationship due to a violation of personal and emotional limits? Add your opinions below and participate in the conversation!

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