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AITAH My sister gets $26k to move out of her house, and wants to stay with me for free?

A Reddit user is in a tricky situation because her sister stands to earn approximately $26,000 by listing her residence on Airbnb. Following a scheduled trip, the sister requires a place to live temporarily for around three weeks and has requested to stay with her family for a week at no cost.

Even though they are close and the sister often visits without charge, the user is asking for $500 for her sister’s visit, which has caused friction. Keep reading to find out what happens in this family matter and to get other people’s opinions on whether the request is reasonable.

‘ AITAH My sister gets $26k to move out of her house, and wants to stay with me for free?’

My sibling intends to lease her sole residence via AirBnB for the duration of July. This arrangement is projected to yield approximately $26,000 in earnings before accounting for taxes. Although she has scheduled a getaway during this period, she will find herself without a place to live for roughly three weeks. Consequently, she has inquired about the possibility of lodging with my family and me—consisting of my spouse and our two adolescent children—for around a week.

I requested $500 from her. She’s angry and unwilling to give it to me. For context, I have a spare bedroom, and we often stay at each other’s places for free. We’re both financially secure. Am I the AH?

Here’s how people reacted to the post:

[Reddit User] −  NTA.  Her having no place to stay is 100% her decision.  You don’t get to put people out because you decided to vacate your property.  

Direct-Past-3327 −  NTA, she’s renting her home to airbnb, netting way more than what you ask from her. It’s an extended amount of time. imo she shouldn’t have assumed that she would stay for free, but I don’t think it’s wrong for you to ask her as it’ll affect your family for an extended period of time rather than short overnight stays at each other’s houses.

nodiddy4life −  You admit to being fortunate in a financial way but are fighting over $500? Your sisters 26k is pretty much 13k after Airbnb fees and state and local taxes . Maybe a little less depending on where she lives and her tax bracket. She’s obviously well off and dues t want to pay $500? Lmao what’s up with all the broke behavior posts on reddit lately?

CatsWillMeow −  NTA. She’s rented out her domicile for a good chunk of change. She can either compensate you for the inconvenience or figure out arrangements for herself. Seems a bit short sighted to rent her house out without a plan for housing herself before she did it. YWBTa if it was an emergency or she needed help from family.

Specialist_Smell_714 −  YTA. Who charges family (that you have regular sleepovers with) for a favour, especially if you don’t need the $? It’d be nice of her to offer to shout dinners or a gift to say thanks but for you to ask her for money? Yuck.

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Zealousideal-Divide6 −  She has asked to come and stay with me and my family (my husband, two teen-aged children and me) for about 1 week.

INFO: Would you ask her to give you $500 to stay with you for “about 1 week” if you did not know she was making $26K by renting her house on AirBnb?
As background, I have a guest room, and we stay with each other frequently for overnight visits at no charge.

INFO: You say about a week what is the exact amount of days? Have you had lengthy overnight visits at each other’s place for free before?
We both are fortunate and have means, Who is the AH?

INFO: It seems neither of you are hurting for money. What makes this particular overnight stay, which is also free, different? Is the core issue simply the amount of money she’s earning, or will having her around actually increase your household costs by $500?

kamahaoma −  YTA, unless there is some missing info here that makes you think your sister will overstay her welcome if allowed to stay for free. $500 is a lot of money to ask from a family member to stay in the guest room for a week, especially if you’re well-off and don’t actually need it.

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HeligKo −  I find it weird that because she is making money, you think you deserve a chunk of it. You say that you stay at each other’s homes on occasion. You don’t charge then. If she were coming to your town for some freelance work, would you want to charge her.

She may have made missteps in the planning by not coordinating with you beforehand, and you wouldn’t be wrong to decline if your timetable doesn’t permit, but you are the asshole for thinking you deserve a portion of her earnings when neither of you bill each other for routine stays.

OnlymyOP −  NTA. Having an extra person in your home for a month will cost you considerably more than an overnight stay.

Smokey_Katt −  NTA. Tell her to go rent an Airbnb.

Is the sister wrong to assume free lodging while poised to earn substantial income from her Airbnb? Or is the user right to request payment for accommodating her sister? How would you handle this scenario with a relative? Share your opinions!

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