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Stray Dog Tracked Down The Person Who Fed Her Every Day, Ends Up Landing A Job At Their Workplace

An inseparable dog-human bond is impossible to break.

Dogs honor help and care better than no one else. Even if you give a dog some pets, it will instantly fall in love with you. That’s how easy it is because these creatures only demand one thing in return for all the entertainment, happiness, joy, and love they provide to their owners. And that one demand is endless love. True, real, undying love. That’s all a dog requires to return the favor back for the rest of its life. So much so that the dog wouldn’t think twice before giving its life away for the safety of the human they love so much. Even if you haven’t adopted it, a dog will always remember what you did for it.

Today’s story is about Sally the dog who did not forget the efforts this person would make for her every day. Sally was a stray dog who had been living at a beach, with a pack of other stray dogs, in Johor Bahri, Malaysia. One night a very kind person named Mohd Ridhuan was walking by that same beach on his way home and spotted a pack of dogs. He decided to take a closer look but was hesitant that the dogs might be aggressive. He just couldn’t resist the temptation and decided to feed the pack of dogs.

To Ridhuan’s surprise, the dogs welcomed him warmly and he would happily give them all some food to enjoy…This event soon turned into a habit.

Via Ridhuan


Ridhuan’s heart melted right there and then when the dogs welcomed him with happy faces and wagging tails. He just couldn’t stop taking the same route and would feed the dogs every day. And the dogs would anxiously wait for his arrival and would start getting excited as the time for his visit would come closer.

Often Ridhuan has to miss a day, unfortunately, because of a busy personal life but as soon as he would be done with the work at hand, he would make his way to the beach with extra food, apologize for being late, and would feed the dogs who would be waiting for his arrival, with full hope.

Sally, one of the stray dogs, formed a bond with Ridhuan stronger than all the others.

Via Ridhuan

The bond between Sally and Ridhuan kept growing, so much so that Sally ended up falling deeply in love with Ridhuan. This was confirmed when one day, due to a terribly busy day at work, Ridhuan was unable to feed the dogs. And guess what Sally did?

Sally decided it was not only Ridhuan’s duty to come to her and ended up going on a mission to track him down. Sally managed to find Ridhuan at the shop he works at.

Via Ridhuan

As soon as Sally spotted Rihuan, she couldn’t contain her emotions. No one was able to get Sally out of the shop because the dog was committed to staying close to Ridhuan. She wanted to pay gratitude and show love to the person who had been consistently feeding her and this just goes on to know that a dog is far more emotional than a human could think of being.

Sally and Ridhuan used to have a blast at the shop together and this would soon make Ridhuan fall in love with the little girl as well. But, keeping a dog at the shop didn’t comply well with work ethics which made Ridhuan work on putting Sally somewhere else, somewhere safe. Ridhuan mentioned the entire matter to his boss and they mutually came up with a great idea.

The safe house for Sally became the shop itself as the owners decided to hire her as an employee.

Via Ridhuan

Sally feels extremely comfortable and is safe at the shop. This satisfies both Sally and Ridhuan. The doggo also enjoys free pets from other employees working at the shop. Her current residence is the shop as well as she comfortably sleeps there at night when everyone leaves, including Ridhuan.

But this is not where Ridhuan wants to stop at. Although the doggo is extremely adorable for anyone to have, he realizes that he won’t be able to honor the relationship with how busy his routine is. So he has been actively looking for the best family for Sally in order for her to enjoy her life at a home. Her forever home!

Here are some of the comments on the story:

People wanted Ridhuan to adopt Sally.

Feeding stray animals gets you god’s blessings just as much it does feeding your pet.

We hope for the brightest future for all the stray dogs out there.

Everyone paid their thanks to Ridhuan for helping Sally.

Ridhuan will do everything in his power to find the best parents for Sally.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.

Stay tuned for more dog stories!

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