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Utah Mom Tweets All The Incredibly Bizarre Names She Found In Her Kid’s Yearbook

We understand your sentiment – you’ve crafted a unique, one-of-a-kind little human and you desire their individuality to transcend beyond mere genetic composition. An exceptionally distinctive moniker, carefully chosen for your cherished progeny, ensures they won’t be mistaken for another, right? In all honesty, that notion holds true. Indeed, your exclusive legal appellation sets your child apart, yet that doesn’t necessarily guarantee a positive distinction.

Take, for instance, the case of Allison Czarnecki, a Utah mother who took to Twitter one evening to unveil a collection of the most outlandish and preposterous names she stumbled upon in her child’s yearbook. To encounter such a plethora of nonsensical names in one place… well, the situation can only be summed up in so many ways.

Strap In, Dear Reader.


How many of these names can you accurately pronounce? Personally, I’m at a loss with approximately three or four of them.



Someone ought to intervene and halt this trend.


The revelation that there exists such a multitude of variations in spelling the name “Jackson,” each as ludicrous as the next, was beyond my previous comprehension.I concur with her preference – a standout choice amidst the array.


I concur with her preference – a standout choice amidst the array.


Let’s be absolutely clear – these names are no figment of imagination. This is no mock drill. Proceed directly, do not collect $200.


Oh dear, the enigmatic realm of high school, too?


With a name of such caliber, concerns over potential bullying regarding hair, nose, or height seem trivial.


Even with a semblance of expectation, the ensuing shock remains profound.


A rallying cry is in order – someone must put an end to this trend.


Amidst the shared amusement, hearty laughter resounds.


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