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My Sister Spoiled My Birthday with Her Fixation on Dieting — I Didn’t Overlook It

Madeleine’s birthday celebration takes an unexpected twist due to her sister’s extreme focus on dietary restrictions. Resolute in not letting her special day be spoiled, Madeleine devises a clever countermeasure to give Fiona a dose of her own medicine. Will Madeleine’s audacious move salvage the day or spiral into further disarray?

“Fiona, could you assist with the birthday festivities?” I inquired, lounging on my soft couch, phone in hand.

“Of course, Madeleine,” Fiona responded with enthusiasm. “What tasks do you have for me?”

“Handling the decor and meal preparations,” I answered, a sense of relief washing over me. “An extra set of hands would be immensely helpful!”


“No issue,” she assured. “I’ll ensure everything is impeccable.”

Relieved, I smiled. “Thank you, Fiona! What would I do without you? I’ll send over some funds for the decor, beverages, and a basic BBQ.”

“Understood. I’ll make certain it all looks splendid,” Fiona promised.

After ending the call, I quickly transferred the funds to her account.

Fiona had a knack for aesthetics; I trusted her implicitly with the decoration. I texted her a shopping list and mentioned leaving the keys under the doormat.

“Hey, love, are we ready for the party?” my fiancé, Albert, inquired as I sent the final instructions to Fiona.

“Nearly,” I replied, standing and offering him a reassuring smile. “Fiona’s taking care of the decorations and cuisine. We just need to grab some cups and plates from the store.”

“Didn’t we have enough already?” he questioned, slightly puzzled.

“I thought so too,” I admitted, shaking my head. “Turns out we’re a few short. I’d rather not run out mid-party.”

“Smart thinking,” Albert concurred, grabbing the car keys. “Let’s handle it now. Better early than rushed.”

En route to the store, a mix of excitement and apprehension filled me. Hosting always evoked these emotions, yet having Fiona and Albert’s support eased my mind.

I envisioned the backyard, hoping for a festive and inviting atmosphere. Fiona’s touch on the decor and the planned BBQ would surely delight our guests.

“Everything alright?” Albert asked, casting a glance my way as he drove.

“Yes,” I responded, offering a smile. “Just picturing how it’ll all come together.”

“It’ll be fantastic, Madeleine,” he reassured, squeezing my hand. “We’ve got this.”

We collected the necessary supplies at the supermarket and loaded up the car, a sense of achievement filling me. It felt like everything was aligning perfectly.

“And we’re back!” I announced as we entered the backyard with the supplies, only to halt in shock at the sight before us.

The table was laden with various vegetables, rice cakes, and numerous pots of 0% fat-free yogurt.

And in place of a traditional cake, a halved watermelon with candles was set up.

My heart dropped. This wasn’t what I envisioned at all.

I turned to Albert, who shared my bewildered expression. “What happened here?” he questioned.

“I’m not sure,” I admitted.

Approaching Fiona, who was busy at the table, I pulled her aside. “Fiona, where’s the BBQ?” I asked, struggling to contain my frustration.

“It seemed inappropriate given your size, so I opted for healthier choices,” she stated bluntly.

I was taken aback.

Coming from a family that embraced all body types, I had learned self-acceptance. Fiona, however, constantly battled with her self-image and dieting fads.

I felt my anger rise, knowing her diet obsession was the culprit! But I held back, aware that causing a scene wouldn’t solve anything, especially not with guests arriving.

“So, I thought healthier options would suit you better, Madeleine,” she explained, as if she had done me a favor.

“Fiona, it’s a party! Guests expect to enjoy themselves and savor good food!” I nearly snapped.

“But I believed this was preferable,” she shrugged nonchalantly.

Taking a deep breath, I resolved to address the situation. I approached Albert, who looked just as confused by the food choice.

“Albert, we need to order some proper food, quick. Guests are arriving,” I directed.

“Right, I’ll get pizzas and burgers delivered. We can’t let this spoil the evening,” he agreed.

“Thanks,” I expressed, thankful for his swift action.

As Albert placed the orders, I mingled with the guests, maintaining a smile despite my irritation. Everyone was polite, but their puzzled looks towards the food were noticeable.

“What’s with the food?” a friend inquired.

“Just a slight mix-up,” I replied with a forced chuckle. “More food is on the way.”

Soon, Albert returned and whispered, “Food’s ordered. Should be here in about thirty minutes.”

“Perfect,” I responded, feeling somewhat relieved. “Thanks, Albert.”

“Don’t worry, Madeleine,” he comforted, giving my shoulder a squeeze. “We’ll turn this around.”

With reassurance from Albert, I felt better knowing more food was coming. I began to reorder the BBQ when Fiona erupted.


Her outburst left everyone stunned. Guests looked around awkwardly, unsure how to react. I felt a flush of embarrassment and rage!

“Fiona, can you stop?!” I demanded, pulling her aside again.

She glared at me, frustration evident. “I was just trying to help, Madeleine. You never listen!”

“This isn’t the time or place,” I argued, my hands trembling slightly. “We have guests. Can we discuss this later?”

“Everyone, let’s enjoy the evening. The food will arrive shortly, and we can all have a good time,” Albert announced to the guests. I was grateful for his support in handling the situation.

Fiona crossed her arms, still fuming, but remained silent. I could see the guests shifting uncomfortably. Taking a deep breath, I regained my composure.

“I apologize, everyone,” I addressed the crowd. “There was a misunderstanding, but it’s resolved now. Please, make yourselves comfortable.”

I hurried inside to leave a note for the delivery person: “Please ensure the order is given directly to me (Madeleine), not my sister,” I wrote quickly, sticking the note on the front door.

As I anxiously awaited the food, I kept glancing at the clock, eager for it to arrive and dispel the awkwardness. Finally, the doorbell rang.

I greeted the delivery person, who handed me the bags filled with BBQ and other delights.

“Thank you so much,” I said, accepting the food.

“No problem,” he responded with a friendly grin.

Returning to the backyard, I took a deep breath, determined to salvage the evening and teach Fiona a lesson about respect and true support.

“Alright, everyone,” I announced, setting the BBQ and sides on the table. “The food is here! Let’s dig in and enjoy!”

I served each guest, maintaining my composure and engaging in light conversation.

When it was Fiona’s turn, I couldn’t resist a bit of mischief. I piled her plate high with rice cakes and vegetables, creating an impressive tower of health-focused options.

“Fiona,” I called out, drawing attention. “I’ve prepared a special plate just for you!”

She looked up, caught off guard. As I handed her the plate, I added, “Here you go, Fiona. Stick to the healthy stuff. We wouldn’t want you to become unlovable by indulging in something less healthy!”

Her face flushed red. She took the plate, unable to meet my gaze, and muttered, “Thanks.”

“Everyone, enjoy!” I cheered, moving to the next guest.

I watched as Fiona stood aside, barely touching her food. The discomfort and humiliation were evident on her face. Eventually, she set the plate down and headed for the exit.

“I’m leaving,” she stated quietly as she passed by me, avoiding eye contact.

“Okay,” I responded nonchalantly.

I watched her depart, feeling a mix of relief and vindication.

The BBQ was a success, with guests praising the food and the festive atmosphere. It was exactly the kind of evening I had envisioned, despite the initial turmoil. Most importantly, my “helpful” sister had experienced a dose of her own medicine.

What would you have done?

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