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Woman Reveals Pregnancy to Fiancé’s Family, His Mother Exclaims, “He’s infertile!” – Today’s Highlight

Chris’s family had always opposed his relationship with Amanda. The tension peaked during a dinner where Amanda announced she was expecting, just as Chris’s family had learned of his supposed infertility. This revelation set off a chain reaction that altered their lives forever.

“I just want to get this over with,” Chris muttered as they approached his parent’s home.

“They’re your parents, honey. We need them to accept me, to be part of our wedding and future, right?” Amanda reassured him, gently touching his arm.

Chris grumbled in response, “Honestly, Amanda, I don’t care anymore. If they can’t accept you, the woman I love, then I don’t need them in my life.”


“Please, let’s just try to make peace. They are still family, and it’s important they’re in our children’s lives, isn’t it?” Amanda persisted with a hopeful smile, though she noticed Chris’s grim expression.

Managing a slight nod, Chris replied, “Yeah, I guess,” his voice strained.

“That’s…fine. When are you planning to leave your job?” he then asked abruptly.

“Let’s stay positive, we’re in this together,” Amanda encouraged, embracing him as they walked up to the door.

Mrs. Castillo greeted them with a superficial smile, barely moving her lips, “Hello, Amanda. Nice to see you,” she said, letting them in with a subtle nod.

Chris nearly rolled his eyes. Despite their long engagement, his parents still saw Amanda as the outsider who disrupted their plans for him. They had always envisioned him with someone else, and their disapproval was palpable.

Back when Chris graduated and started working, his parents had introduced him to Ciara, a well-connected woman whose father was influential in town. The Castillos, wealthy from generations of investments, were fixated on maintaining their social status.

But Chris, who had broadened his perspectives through diverse college friendships, found he wanted someone genuine, unlike the women he met at exclusive gatherings.

Then he met Amanda by chance in a parking lot, and it was immediate attraction for him. Initially, she was resistant, but eventually agreed to a date, and they had been inseparable since.

Their first meeting with his parents was disastrous. They urged Chris to end things the moment Amanda excused herself during dinner.

“She’s just an assistant. Why not Ciara? She adores you. This girl isn’t right for you,” his mother had whispered urgently, her disdain clear.

“Listen to your mother. You need a woman of your own… class. This won’t work,” his father added, shaking his head in disapproval.

“I’ve had enough. I’m not listening to this. Ciara is nothing but a shallow princess, and I want nothing to do with her!” Chris had retorted quietly but firmly.

When Amanda returned, the dinner resumed awkwardly, her intuition picking up on the tension.

Chris explained everything later, and although Amanda understood, his parents’ coldness persisted. They barely tolerated her, especially after the engagement, while she remained hopeful, even involving his mother in wedding planning.

Amanda had kept their attempts to start a family a secret, hoping a baby might bring them closer.

At the dinner table, Chris was anxious to conclude the evening. He had urgent, potentially relationship-changing news to share with Amanda.

“They don’t know what they’re missing. Let them cling to their elite circles while we find true happiness,” he thought.

He had broached the subject with his parents days earlier upon receiving his medical results, which were met with sadness but typical stoicism.

“If Amanda leaves, so be it,” his mother had said, a possibility that terrified Chris.

“So, Amanda,” his father interrupted his thoughts. “How’s work?”

“Mr. Castillo, it’s going great. I’m planning a big event with my boss, and it’s actually been fun,” Amanda replied, pleased they seemed interested.

“That’s…fine. When are you quitting your job?” he pressed.

“Excuse me?” Amanda was taken aback.

“To become a housewife,” Mr. Castillo clarified.

“I’m not quitting,” she responded, confused.

“She’ll continue working, Dad,” Chris interjected, visibly annoyed.

“That’s…just fine. Amanda is quite the modern woman, after all, darling,” his mother commented, her smile strained.

“Well, I’m not sure about my plans. It depends on what the future holds,” Amanda said, then added nervously, “Speaking of which, I have some news. I’m pregnant!”

The announcement was met with a deafening silence that seemed to stretch indefinitely. Amanda hoped this would be the key to acceptance, unaware of Chris’s recent discovery.

Mrs. Castillo broke the silence with a shout, “He’s infertile!” her eyes blazing with fury.

Chris was stunned. They had been trying to conceive naturally, but his recent tests showed he was incapable of fathering children, implying Amanda’s infidelity.


“Baby trap him? Mrs. Castillo, Chris and I have been trying for this for months. We wanted to surprise you. What do you mean by infertile? That’s impossible!” Amanda protested, shaken.

Mr. Castillo stood, wiping his mouth with a napkin. “Leave our house now. Stay away from my son, or we’ll get a restraining order,” he threatened calmly.

“Chris, please, do something. I don’t understand!” Amanda pleaded, but Chris was frozen in shock.

Suddenly, Mrs. Castillo grabbed Amanda by the hair and dragged her towards the door.

“Get out now!” she screamed.

Amanda resisted, calling for Chris, but he remained immobile, staring at his plate.

“CHRIS!” Amanda cried out as the door slammed behind her.

The following days were a blur. Chris left their shared apartment, placing the medical report on the kitchen counter with a note:

“I had concerns and got tested. I’m completely infertile. I wish you a happy life, but it won’t be with me,” he wrote, shattering Amanda’s heart.

The doctor must be wrong. She was pregnant, and it had to be Chris’s child. She hadn’t been with anyone else for years. Why wouldn’t he speak to her?

Despite her efforts, Chris cut off all communication. When she approached his parent’s house, they called the police, forcing her to leave under threat of arrest.

“Fine! I’ll leave! I’ll raise this beautiful baby on my own! You’re the one missing out, and when you realize the truth, it’ll be too late!” she shouted towards the mansion as she walked away.

Amanda didn’t need to trap anyone. She had a successful career, with supportive colleagues and an excellent maternity policy. Her boss adored her, so she wasn’t concerned.

“What? No, that was just our plan,” Mrs. Geoffrey chuckled dismissively.

Facing a future as a single mother was daunting, but Amanda was determined to succeed. She gave birth to Paul, raising him alone, finding joy despite the challenges. The resemblance between Paul and Chris was undeniable.

“Those idiots,” she whispered after putting him down for a nap. “They don’t know what they’re missing. Let them eat cake in their country clubs while you and I find real happiness.”

Chris tried to move on, appreciating the support of his normally distant parents. The thought of Amanda cheating seemed implausible, yet the evidence was irrefutable.

Life continued, and his parents encouraged a new relationship with Ciara. Chris felt resigned, allowing his parents to plan his life, including a potential marriage he felt indifferent about.

Amanda was gone from his life, and he hoped her child’s father was decent.

A year later, Amanda was focusing on her phone while walking down the street when she bumped into someone.

“I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking,” she apologized, looking up to see Chris. “Oh.”

“Hello,” she said awkwardly. “Bye.”

“Wait,” Chris reached out, accidentally making her drop her phone.

“Jeez, I’m sorry.”

He picked it up, and the screen showed a photo of her baby.

“Give me that,” Amanda snatched it back. “You don’t deserve to look at him.”

“Him?” Chris asked, breathless.

“Yes. My son,” she stated firmly.

Her demeanor puzzled him. She no longer needed to maintain the lie about cheating.

“I guess it didn’t work out with the father,” Chris remarked, hoping to wound her.

“Yeah. It didn’t,” she replied, raising her eyebrows. “Bye, Chris.”

She walked away, leaving Chris to contemplate. Amanda’s brown eyes didn’t match the baby’s striking blue, yet her defensive attitude was telling. Could there have been a mistake with his infertility diagnosis?

The possibility nagged at him, but he was distracted by Ciara pulling him to a family meeting about their wedding. Mrs. Geoffrey’s casual mention of future grandchildren startled him.

“Babies? Mrs. Geoffrey, I’m infertile. You know that. I was tested at your husband’s clinic,” Chris said, confused.

“What? No, that was just our plan,” she laughed, then realized her slip.

“Plan?” Chris’s voice chilled.

Mrs. Geoffrey paled, her mistake dawning on her. “I mean… uh, these things have errors… maybe IVF could work…” she stammered.

Chris grasped the full extent of the deceit.

“Ciara, no!” her mother whispered as Ciara returned, oblivious to the tension.

Chris stood up. “Goodbye. I hope you two rot in hell.”

Chris learned the whole truth from his mother over the phone as he drove to Amanda’s apartment. The test results were part of a scheme to separate him from Amanda, orchestrated by both families. They had hoped he would leave Amanda for Ciara, especially after the pregnancy announcement.

“You will never see me again,” he told his mother before hanging up.

He found Amanda’s apartment empty but unlocked. Inside, he discovered Paul’s room, lovingly decorated, and their bedroom, mostly unchanged. Overwhelmed, he sat on her side of the bed and wept, pondering how to mend their relationship and whether Amanda could ever forgive him.

He fell asleep there, tears still on his cheeks.

“AHH!” Amanda screamed as she turned on the bedroom light. “Get out! I’m calling the police!”

“Amanda! It’s me, Chris!” he exclaimed, jumping up.

“Chris! What are you doing here? You can’t just walk in!” Amanda was furious, her hand reaching for a potential weapon.

“We need to talk,” Chris said, his voice hoarse.

“I guess I’m not surprised, but it’s still so unbelievable,” Amanda said after he explained everything.

“Yeah,” Chris nodded. “I’m so sorry. I should have believed you. I should have demanded more tests. I was scared you’d leave because I couldn’t give you a family. I was an idiot.”

“Yes, you were,” Amanda agreed. “But now it all makes sense. It’s not right, but I understand.”

“Can you forgive me?”

“Life’s too short for grudges.”

“And can I be part of his life?”

“I don’t know,” Amanda said, looking away. “It’s been hard and lonely. I’m not sure we can go back to how things were.”

Tears streamed down her face as she remembered the past two years. Chris cried with her, feeling the weight of their lost time.

“I’ll do whatever it takes to make things right, no matter how long it takes. Even if we can’t be together, you and Paul are my family,” he vowed, his voice thick with emotion.

“First, you should meet Paul,” Amanda suggested, wiping her tears. “Then we might need to consider legal action against Mr. Geoffrey.”

Chris laughed through his tears, relieved by her resilience. “You’re right, as always. I’ll need a lawyer.”

What can we learn from this story?

Always seek a second opinion in medical matters to avoid potentially life-altering mistakes.
Trust and communication are crucial in relationships. Misunderstandings can often be cleared up by allowing your partner to explain their side of the story.
Share this story with friends—it might just make their day or offer a new perspective.

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