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Employee Calls Karen’s Bluff After She Says She Knows The CEO

Customer support is undoubtedly a challenging field.

You have to maintain your cheerful demeanor and navigate through a constant stream of rude customers, often for prolonged periods. It can be utterly draining. Some individuals seem to believe that customer and tech support staff bear direct responsibility for any glitches in their company’s products, and they unload their frustrations on these unsuspecting employees. Folks, it’s crucial to understand that customer support isn’t responsible for your product troubles or dissatisfaction. Their role involves guiding you and striving to resolve your issues. It’s a simple matter of human decency, especially when seeking assistance from the same person. I fail to comprehend how people can treat customer support professionals with such discourtesy. They’re employees, not punching bags for personal frustrations.

Within the realm of customer support, a technician encounters various personality types. Among them, the one that instills the most dread is the infamous Karen. Dealing with Karens can be an uphill battle due to their excessive volume and aggressive demeanor. Oddly enough, they also have a penchant for concocting lies to intimidate staff. But, as demonstrated by a savvy Reddit user, there’s a perfect strategy for handling a Karen who falsely claims to know the CEO. Continue reading to unveil the entire narrative:


The individual was fulfilling their role as a supervisor, addressing dissatisfied customers who deemed their efforts at appeasement insufficient.

At this juncture, enter Karenzilla, initiating the dialogue with, “Took you bloody long enough!”

Without engaging in any constructive conversation, she immediately resorted to threats, boasting knowledge of the CEO and the ability to get the employee terminated.


Fortunately, the employee possessed the ideal countermeasure and promptly shifted the dynamics.

They suggested she speak directly to the CEO, a more effective channel for escalation.

She subsequently filed a complaint, embodying the classic Karen pattern. Predictably, her grievance was dismissed.

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This incident serves as a reminder that falsehoods seldom lead to favorable outcomes.

In reality, this approach offers a clever strategy for diffusing the aggressive tendencies of Karens, who seem to believe that intimidation and lies are the sole means of handling disputes with employees. Undoubtedly, this customer will think twice before resorting to falsehoods and asserting connections with CEOs again. Tech support personnel, take note! You can adeptly manage such situations while maintaining your composure.

Here’s how fellow Redditors reacted to the narrative:

“I’m much more adept at getting myself fired.”

“This is a remarkably clever and efficient response.”

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“They’re practically doing me a favor.”

“This individual is truly excelling in life.”

“Such wise counsel.”

“This approach can certainly be effective!”

Have you ever encountered a Karen in your work experience? How did you navigate the situation? Feel free to share your anecdotes with us in the comments section below!

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