Adam Lambert Brings Cher To Tears With His Soulful Rendition Of ‘Believe’

When you are a celebrity, you do your best to put on a performance that will keep the crowds interested. In many cases, it is possible to do so for a short amount of time but eventually, you may end up falling out of favor to a certain extent. It can happen for any number of different reasons, regardless of whether it is something that happens in your personal life that makes the news or perhaps a change in the way that you put on your performance. It may even just be a matter of people changing the things that they like and following the trends.
Although there may be many people who are celebrities and come and go, there are quite a few who also managed to stick around for a while. They go from the category of being a celebrity to becoming a superstar. There are even some superstars who take things to the next level and their music becomes timeless. You may hear their songs playing on the radio for decades after they were first written and they will continue to play, many years after the celebrity is gone. That is the case with Cher, who has been impacting the music industry for many decades.
Cher has been making us sing along with her music for as long as we can remember. She is also well known as an actor and has a performance on stage that is second to none. She has been such a part of our lives for so long that it wasn’t a surprise when she was honored at the Kennedy Center. Celebrities came forth to show her that honor, including Adam Lambert.
Adam Lambert performed Believe, a Cher song that made her career take off, even after it was already going strong. He performed it differently than she did, however, but you can see from the look on her face in the audience that she was loving every minute of it. Watch the video for yourself and you will be able to tell easily why she had a tear in her eye when it was over.