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Carly was watching her baby boy sleeping, while thinking about her relationship with her husband, Josh. They were not as they were used to be, but her son was making everything seem right.

While Carly was cleaning the room, she found a makeup bag under the bed which the bag was not belonged to her.

“Josh, could you come here?” She called for her husband, and showed the makeup bag, “Is there something you need to tell me?”

“Is that new? Did you buy it?” Josh asked as he was confused.

“It’s not mine, Josh. Where did it come from?”

“I’ve never seen it before. Whose is it?”


As Carly took a breath, “Josh, are you cheating on me?” She asked.

“What? You-you’re insane, Carly! It’s probably my mom’s. She was here the other day. Must’ve forgotten it.”

“Josh, I know what your mom’s makeup looks like. This isn’t hers.”

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“But it has to be,” Josh said. “I’ll just give it back to her the next time we see her,” Josh said as he took the bag.

As Carly was suspected of her husband, she decided to install hidden cameras in their house to learn what was happening.

After she installed the cameras, and went to work she was only thinking about the footage she would watch when she would return to the house.

Once she was back at home, she took her laptop, and started to watch the footage. She then saw a young girl with Josh. The girl throw her jacktet over to their wedding picture. “How could he?” Carly said to herself.

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Then Josh came back home and Carly closed her laptop. “We need to talk,” she said to Josh.

“About what?”

“About this,” she said and showed the footage.

As Josh became defensive, he said, “You spied on me?”

“Is that your concern? Who is the girl in the video?”

“It’s Martha, my student,” Josh said.

“In our bedroom?”

“I don’t see the issue.”

“You were with a young girl in our bedroom! Are you cheating on me?”

“Would I tell you her name if I were?!”

“Tell me the truth, Josh! Are you?”

“Even if I were, what would you do?” What Josh said shocked Carly, as she wasn’t expecting.

“I would leave you, file for divorce,” Carly said then.

“And end up with a child in your arms, without a penny? Remember, the prenuptial agreement leaves you with almost nothing!”

“I’ll get everything in the case of cheating!”

“But here’s the thing, Carly. There’s no cheating. All you have is a video of Martha entering our bedroom. That’s not enough,” Josh was smiling.

“YOU are the one cheating, Josh! And our deal clearly says you’d lose everything,” Carly yelled.

“Good luck proving that. Be careful, Carly, or you’ll end up regretting it.” Josh said, and then left the house.

On the next day, Carly found Martha on campus. “Martha?” She stopped her. “We need to talk,” Carly said.

“I’ve got nothing to say to you,” Martha responded.

“I’m Josh’s wife. I know about you two,” Carla said.

“You… You’ve got it all wrong.” Martha stuttered.

“I need your help. Just tell me everything, and I’ll record it,” Carly wanted help.

“I can’t do that to Josh.”

“It’s better for us both if I just leave. Please, help me!”

“No,” Martha said. “I can’t betray him. He’s leaving you for me!”

“He’s lying to you, Martha. It’s all lies!” Carly tried to reason.

“No, we’re in love! Stay away from me!” Martha said and left Carly alone. Then she saw Josh was walking towards her. “What are you up to, Carly?” He smiled, “Trying to play detective, huh?”

“I’m onto you, trying to catch your cheating!” Carly said.

As Carly took her son to her mom, and started to plot something with a girl named Chloe. “Act like you’re a student, slip something into Josh’s drink, and snap some fake photos,” Carly explaiend in a hotel room.

“This is a bit out… there. You know, I mean, we don’t usually do such stuff. But if you pay me double, I’m in.” Chloe said.

Few hours later, with the pictures of Josh and herself, Chloe came to Carly. “All done,” she said. As she took the money, she saw a champagne bottle. “Is this champagne free?” She asked.

“Yeah, it’s from the hotel. They know Josh and me. It’s on the house,” Carly said.

“Let’s have a drink then,” Chloe said. “Here’s to fresh starts!”

As the night passed, the morning arrived. Carly was alone in the room with a headache. As she returned back to home, she saw Josh waiting for her, smiling.

“Where have you been?”

“That’s none of your business.”

“But you’re my wife, so it kinda is my business,” Josh smiled.

“Not for much longer,” Carly responded.

“Not for long? What’s that supposed to mean?” Josh said, as he was nervously smiling.

“I’m getting a divorce, Josh,” Carly said.

“You know I’ll get everything, right?”

“Not this time,” Carly said.

“Guess your friend wasn’t so loyal.” Josh said then, as he showed the pictures of Carly and Chloe.

Then Carly showed her own pictures of Chloe and Josh. “What do you say to this?”

“You won’t prove anything! I’ll make sure of it!” Josh stormed off.

As he left his phone behind, Carly took it and texted the pictures of Josh and Chloe to Martha.

Then she read the text, “I’ll help you.”

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